
Hello there!

My name is Rachel and this is my "canvas" to chronicle projects and share my experiences in the process of making them.  I'm also going to write about topics that interest me.  Some of them a bit touchy.  But if you're taking the time to share these journeys with me, welcome and I'll try and make it interesting. :)

The current occupations I hold are student, waitress, volunteer, coordinator, writer, and free-lance seamstress/quilter.  Plus more things.  Depending on what's needed.

My goal for this blog is just journal what I make and record the current opinions I hold.  I think that everyone expresses creativity in different ways.  You don't have to be Rodin to express yourself.  I think this is going to be easier to do this than scrapbooking.  Plus, I get to share what I'm doing with other people.

I also contribute to my organization's blog here.  That's probably my better researched pieces.

Anyway, enjoy reading!


Current background image is from Getty Images.  If anything that I use is yours and you don't want it up, please let me know and I will take it down!  I will try and make sure that anything I use is either public domain or mine, but again, just let me know! :)

To contact me: r.young[at]progressivestudents.org

Sorry for writing it like that, I don't want to get spammed.

Social media:


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